Swedish Art Painter - CHARLOTTA HÖGLUND
Easter ArtExpo 2025, Open Studio 18-21 April, Görslövsvägen 30 Jonstorp Sweden.
Collective ArtExpo Katrinetorp, Malmö
ArtExpo Gallery Don Clarre 31 July - 4 August 2024. Litorinavägen 17 Torekov Sweden.
ArtExpo Gallery ARNO Karlavägen 69
Stockholm Sweden 18-22 Oktober 2023
Artexpo Bienal Arte M.E.A.M Museum
Barcelona Spain 18-20 November 2022

Participated at complex du Louvre, Paris France Int. Prize Paris Oct 2022
Participating at Artexpo Bienal Arte M.E.A.M Musem Barcelona Spain
Nov 2022

Artawards 2020- 2021

Collective exhibition Staffanstorps art hall, Sweden 2020

Charlotta received the Leonardo Da Vinci art award in Florence, January 2020
Exhibition Pinter art gallery
Budapest Hungary - 2021

Charlotta received the Michelangelo prize at Brancaccio Palace Rome, Italy 14th July 2019.
Proud to be invited to this art expo biennale in Mantova Italy at the museum "DIOCESANO Francesco Gonzaga"
Charlotta Höglund participated at ArtExpo New York, 4-7 April 2019, one of the biggest & most important international Artfairs for Artists, Galleries, Art
Collectors & Artlovers with around 40,000 visitors each year.

Charlotta participated at Modern Masters in Complex du Louvre, Paris, October 2018.
Galleri FredlandUtställning Juli 2018
Med keramiker Bente

Picture: Exhibiting at 2nd International Fine Art Cannes Biennale 2018.