Swedish Art Painter - CHARLOTTA HÖGLUND
Easter ArtExpo 2025, Open Studio 18-21 April, Görslövsvägen 30 Jonstorp Sweden.
Collective ArtExpo Katrinetorp, Malmö
ArtExpo Gallery Don Clarre 31 July - 4 August 2024. Litorinavägen 17 Torekov Sweden.
ArtExpo Gallery ARNO Karlavägen 69
Stockholm Sweden 18-22 Oktober 2023
Artexpo Bienal Arte M.E.A.M Museum
Barcelona Spain 18-20 November 2022

Born in Lerum, Sweden outside Gothenburg. Raised in an artist’s family whom inspired her a lot to create & express her feelings in artpainting. After 4 years of Art school she went to Paris, had a studio & exhibited at Carrousel du Louvre among other Galleries. Then moved to Holland,painted & exhibited. After several years abroad she returned to Skåne, Sweden 2007.
"With painting you can show feelings like with music. When you work with a picture it can develop like emotions. In order to be happy either in painting or in life you have to be open to the unexpected.
The creation process varies, different colors & shape themes. I often paint figures in symbiosis with nature. The motifs are often emotional, dreamy compositions. A surrealistic toutch with elements of flowers, often collage & sometimes surreal stairs. My idees can come from anything, from travels, people I met, places I visited, and also from old masters.
I paint most in acrylic but also oil & egg oil mist.
In painting you can be surprised & feel very free & satisfied, like an experience of euphoria that I most often get caught in while painting."
Charlotta Höglund has participated in several individual, collective & jury exhibitions in Sweden. And also collective expos & Biennales in France, Italy, Holland, England, Denmark, Switzerland & New York, USA.
Have recieved several prestiges Artawards.
Member of BUS, VSKG, Helsingborg Artassociation.
Art Education: Skånska Målar Skolan in Malmö,
Folkuniversitetet, Helsingborg 1994-1998
Exhibitions, individual, jury, collective and art awards:
Art award interntional prize, Botticelli, Florence Italy, Borghese Palace January 2024
Art saloon Karantänen, Helsingborg Sweden 2023, 2024
ArtExpo Gallery Arno Stockholm, Sweden 2023
ArtExpo Gallery Don Clarre Torekov, Sweden 2023, 2024
Artexpo Bienal Arte M.E.A.M Museum Barcelona Spain Nov 2022
Museu Europeu d'Art Modem
Artfair complex du Louvre, Int. Prize, Paris France Oct 2022
Artaward Int prize Caravaggio, Milan, Italy 2022
Art tour Skåne, Sweden, Katrinetorp, Malmö 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
ArtExpo Budapest Hungary, ”Segnalati” Pinter Art Gallery 23-29 November 2021
ArtExpo Gallery Jäger&Jansson Lund Sweden July 2021, 2022
ArtAward ”Ambassador of Art” Italy 2021
Artaward ”David”Michelangelo Italy. 2021
Artaward ”Dante” Alighieri Italy. 2021
Stunning ArtExpo ”Segnalati” Venice, Italy at Scuola Grande di San Teodoro. 2021
”Digital Expo” White Space Gallery 555W 25th Chelsea,
New York, U S A October 2020,2021
Collective Artexpo VSKG at Staffanstorps konsthall Sweden. 2020
Artaward ”Artist of the year 2020” Sept. Monreale, Italy 2020
Jury-judged Artexpo Gallery Stenhallen,Borgholm Sweden. 2020
Artaward ”Frida Kahlo” Milano, Italy, 2020
Artaward ”Leonardo da Vinci” Borghese Palace, Florence, Italy 2020
Expo Smygehushavsbad, Smygehamn, Sweden. 2019
Artaward ”Michelangelo” Brancaccio Palace Rome, Italy 2019
Art Expo Biennale, Mantova, Italy at Museum ” Diocesano Francesco
Gonzaga” 2019
Art Expo New York, U S A at Pier 90. 2019
Modern Art Masters in Complex du Louvre, Paris, France. 2018
Int. Fine Art Cannes Biennale, Cannes, France. 2018
Art-Fair Montreux, Switzerland. 2017
Parallax Art-Fair London, England. 2017
Metronomen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2017
Gallery Domus Romana, Rome, Italy. 2017
Arttour, konstrunda,vskg, Torups Castle Easter 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019
Expo idrottens museum hus,Helsingborg, Sweden 2016
Maria Thorlunds Ateljé och Galleri, Lund. Sweden 2015
Gallery Fredland, Arild, Sweden.
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Gallery Kraften, Lomma, Sweden. 2013
Gallery Cinnamoni Helsingborg, Sweden. 2013
Arttour, Konstrunda påsken, Vskg, Alnarp, Sweden 2012,2013,2014
Artsaloon, Rådhuset Malmö, Sweden. 2011,2012,2013,2014
AutumnExpo, Alnarp, Sweden. 2011,2012
Konst på stan, Art in the city, Helsingborg, Sweden2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016
Jury-judge,Artsaloon, Krapperup, Höganäs, Sweden 1999,2009, 2014,2018
Residence Interior, Helsingborg, Sweden. 2006,2007
Jury-juged Arthall, Landskrona Konsthall, Sweden. 2007
Morris, ArtDüsseldorf, Germany. 2004
Gallery Art inc, Exihition ”Art in the City”Eindhoven, Netherlands 2004,2005
Gallery ”Au pied de la butte” Konstnärsgården, Mölle,Sweden 1994 - 2004
Gallery Svenshög, Lund, Sweden. 2003
Gallery, Art Present, Paris, France. 2002
Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France. 2001
Gallery, Adler, Paris, France. 2000
Jury-judgeArt Museum,vikingbergs konstmuseum, Helsingborg, Sweden 1998
Art-Fair Sundsvall, Sweden. 1997
Jury-judged prestiges Art spring saloon. Liljevalchs, Stockholm, Sweden. 1997